Rabu, 22 April 2020

How to become a Business Analyst

In the Technology Industry (IT), the scope of business problems often includes components of system development, but may also consist of process improvement or organizational change. Business analysis can also be done to understand the current state of the organization, to be used as a basis for identifying business needs. However, in most cases, Business Analysis is conducted to determine and validate solutions that meet business needs, goals, or objectives. It looks simple and the jobdesk is not complicated, but don't be mistaken, there are many incidents when the BA misinterprets the intentions and objectives of the client and makes the specifications even more unclear, and the documents made cannot be understood by the programmer, it's really dangerous. Therefore, there are several criteria or skills that must be met if you want to become a BA. a. Business Process A Business Analyst must be an expert in modeling or mapping about business processes. For example, this BA must be proficient in using tools to facilitate his work such as Visio, Rational Rose, Ideas Modeler etc. So still, business processes are one of the main bases that a BA must understand in a project. b. Can be a good listener. A business analyst is required to be able to listen and capture the essence or purpose of the discussions conducted by the client and the stake holders, so that the requirements obtained or which will later be poured into the document do not deviate from what has been mutually agreed upon by the client or stakeholder. c. Interviewer and Proactive In addition to being a good listener, a business analyst is also required to be an interviewer in order to make clients and stakeholders issue their opinions to achieve common goals. Proactivity is needed if there are materials or documents that are considered incomplete, some are unclear, a BA must be able to pursue and follow-up related to these deficiencies. d. Mockup and Wireframe Design A Business Analyst have to be able to predict Design Mockup / Wireframe. There is a part, but what needs to be underlined is that the desire or requirements of the client or stakeholder is BA, therefore a BA is also required to at least be able to make a design both mokup or wireframe. e. Database Design A Business Analyst must also be able to design a database in accordance with the results of his analysis, so that programmers can understand the business process flow. In large IT companies, sometimes, BA will interact with Business users, technical users and stakeholders to get final approval and nods before continuing the documentation. Therefore, the role of BA is very important in an effective jumpstart and success for each project.

Minggu, 19 April 2020

Mengganti Email Blogger

Hi All,

disini mau jelasin gimana cara mengganti email blog yang kalian punya.
baca terus sampai habisya .
Email pada akun blogger dapat Anda ganti sesuai keinginan, yang perlu Anda siapkan terlebih dahulu adalah akun gmail baru yang akan menggantikan email lama pada blog Anda. Kalau Anda sudah memiliki gmail baru ikuti langkah-langkahnya berikut ini :

1. Pertama kalian Login dulu ke akun blogger yang kalian miliki.
2. Kedua pilih menu tab Setting, kemudian klik Basic

3. Kemudian pada menu Permissions, klik Tambahkan Blog Authors.
4.  Lalu pilih Add authors kemudian klik  klik Add authors dan masukan alamat email nya.

5. Selanjutnya konfirmasi undangan lewat email baru kalian.
6. Setelah Anda konfirmasi melalui alamat email baru, kemudian masuk lagi ke akun blogger Anda.

7. Pada bagian Penulis Blog akan muncul email baru Anda.
8. Ganti status email baru dari Pengarang menjadi Admin.

okee, sekian penjelasanya semoga membantu.


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